Robert R. Enderlein's Home Page
You have just reached the home page of Robert R. Enderlein. I just defended my Ph.D. in Cryptography in the Information Security and Cryptography Research Group of ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Ueli Maurer and the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Jan Camenisch. My research interests were in cryptography, with special focus on practical universally composable protocols. You can find links to my papers, and digital copies of most of them, in the Publications section of this website. You can find out about different ways to contact me in the Contact section.
Be also sure to check out the website of the Helvetic Coding Contest, which I co-founded, and co-organized for 7 years in a row! I also co-founded the PolyProg association and the ACM VIS commission.